Hi, I'm Damla!

Entrepreneur, CMO, Moderator, Speaker & Podcast Host

Multi passionate. But in everything I do, togetherness and connection are central. Energetic, personal and practical. Why? Because it can. Steps, struggles and opportunities often seem more difficult and further away than they actually are. With easy to follow tips & tricks the next step is closer than you think!

Nieuw KLein

Want something? Go for it!

Sounds cliché? Yet it is what I learned at home.

Do you like something? Try it! Want something? Ask! Not being able to do something was not an option. If someone else can do it, you can do it too.

I can still hear my father saying it. It was instilled in me from a young age. Where did it come from? My grandfather was a guest worker, my parents came along at a young age and built everything from scratch. Not taking advantage of ‘all opportunities’ when you were born in the Netherlands was never an option at home.

The most important thing was always: as long as you do it with passion. As long as you do something that gives you energy. A smile on your face and that you feel like doing again tomorrow.

Only then can you become good at what you do.

Tried a lot.. Learned a lot!

I combined my VWO with a BNN radio education, I completed my TV education while my master’s thesis was being published.

While I was Marketing Manager at Wehkamp I had my own self-help podcast. I signed up for an indefinite period in Luxembourg, without ever having been there.

Okay, maybe I took my parents’ advice a little too literally. And YES! I’ve often encountered myself. But the bottom line? I do what gives me energy every day. And I believe that’s not so difficult.

My mission?

Helping you to get energy every day from what YOU do. With inspiration, information and simple tips and tricks.

No, you don’t have to quit your job or turn your whole life upside down. And no, you don’t have to have ambitions to become a CEO. But if you feel stuck, if you don’t get energy from the environment you’re in or if you already know you want to make a change, but don’t know how…

Then you’ve come to the right place!

Why can I help?

After 10+ years in corporates, various management positions and 20+ cultures that I have worked with, I know two things for sure about people on the work floor:

  1. Everyone wants to get energy from what he or she does
  1. People find it harder than it is to turn brain teasers into ‘real action’

And that’s a shame!

Why settle for less? Many situations, events and choices can become more enjoyable if you take conscious action.

Through my experience I have seen it all!

Feedback conversations (both ways), asking for a salary increase, initiating your own promotion and saying NO to that one “extra” project. But also changing managers, jobs, countries (for your work). Another sector to an extra job as a chairperson next to my full time job.

Whether it concerns small changes that make your work a little more fun or decisive choices about larger issues. Here you will find inspiration, information and toolkits that can help you.

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“You're crazy not to hire Damla”

Not my words, but I’m not going to contradict them either.

No CV, but my way

They also call it ‘practice what you preach’:

During my high school I was accepted at BNN University, a 1 year radio education. I learned that you can be multi-passionate and that it is feasible to do different things at the same time.

I studied Corporate Communication at the University of Amsterdam. My master thesis was published in The Journal of International Communication while I was following a TV education in parallel.

Because I wanted to see more and experience more cultures, I did a post-master in Marketing & Business at UC Berkeley California.

I started my career at Wehkamp as a campaign manager. Here I discovered my love for working with a team and getting the most out of it. I quickly became a marketing manager.

Until I got the chance to launch Amazon.nl with an international team in Luxembourg.

What else? Chairwoman BMW, Regio Zwolle congress, Presenter for DPG, Emerce TV, Podcast Host and Moderator for Metropooldiners.

Did I mention I love to talk?

damla kartal spreker

Book directly?

Maybe you’ve heard about me through the grapevine, attended an event before or have a good impression through my LinkedIN. If so, you can book me directly!